Health & Wellbeing


Our residents' health and wellbeing are paramount to Cascade. It is well-documented that people with learning disabilities and mental health conditions are at a greater risk of developing physical health conditions. 

A report by Public Health England shows that there are many health inequalities for people with learning difficulties. Fewer than 10% of people with learning difficulties in a care home had a balanced diet, with an insufficient intake of fruit and vegetables. This is just one of the many examples highlighting the lack of attention from the health and social care sector in changing this health inequality. At Cascade, we are dedicated to taking steps to change these concerning statistics.



That is why all of our homes promote:

  • All evening meals are home-cooked using fresh ingredients

  • All residents have access to our Physical Health & Wellbeing Manager, who can provide bespoke meal plans and specialist physical exercise programmes 

  • Staff receive information and support in developing a good understanding of health and nutrition. This helps them to support residents in making positive health choices

  • All planners promote the inclusion of physical exercise - from going on regular walks to taking up a new sport

  • Every resident has access to 1:1 cooking sessions. These sessions teach residents a range of new skills - from following a recipe to understanding the importance of good nutrition 

  • Residents and staff have access to relevant information and support in taking care of their wellbeing, including signposting to local organisations and mindfulness app recommendations